Campbell County Rescue Squad
About Us
On December 28, 1962, the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. was issued a charter by the State Corporation Commission. The Registered Agent Directors that comprised the initial Board of Directors as incorporates were Frank H. Godsey, Thomas Taylor and Richard Smith. Once the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. formed a crew, they started answering calls in mid-February, 1963. The first crew of the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. consisted of fourteen members, thirteen of whom were: Frank Godsey, Fred Lamonds, Richard Smith, Thomas Taylor, Otis Godsey, Reggie Williams, Bill Taylor, Reggie Brown, Otis Maxey, Dave Carnes, Wayne Pulliam, Joe Carderelli, and H.E. Collins.
The Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. purchased its first ambulance for $1.00 from Red Whitten, owner of Whitten Funeral Home. The first Crash/Utility Truck was a 1952 Ford Panel Truck donated by Mr. Fred Schmitt, owner of White Star Laundry in Lynchburg, Virginia. In February 1963, the first vehicle that the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. obtained was stationed in a garage at the Winebarger Corporation and was subsequently moved to Feranies Store(now Burley’s Market) located on Route 29 South. It was stationed there from May 1963-July 1963. From August 1963 to December 1963, the vehicle was stationed at the Shell Service Station located at the corner of Route 29 South and Lawyers Road. In 1964, the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. began housing their vehicle at the old Seminole Dance Hall located on Wards Road, near the Lynchburg Airport and this remained the station site until the summer of 1965, when a new crew hall was built.
The new crew hall was located two miles south of the city limits of the City of Lynchburg. It was a two-story, brick building with three bays, a kitchen and crews’ quarters on the first floor and a full meeting room in the basement. At the time the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. moved into their new crew hall,
they owned two ambulances, a station wagon ambulance, two boats, and a heavy duty crash truck that was purchased from the Lynchburg Life Saving Crew. In 1973, the State of Virginia Highway Department purchased this crew hall to make way for the Route 460 Bypass and Clover Leaf on Route 29 South. The Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. was allowed to remain in the building until 1974, at which time they moved to a temporary station on Timberlake Road until the new crew hall could be built on Rainbow Forest Drive. In 1976, the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. moved to their new crew hall , which has remained as the Main Station to date.

CCRS in 1966

In 1974, the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. added another station, Station Two, at the Lyn-Dan Heights Fire Department located on Rangoon Road and they had one ambulance stationed there. They moved from that station, with the Lyn-Dan Heights Fire Department, to a new building located on Lawyers Road when the Lynchburg Airport expanded. This station location is where they remain today. In 1979, Station Three was added in Evington, Virginia, near the intersections of Leesville Road and Route 24. At that time, one ambulance was stationed there. In 1999, Station Four was added in Bedford County, Virginia on Vista Center Drive. This station has two bays and an office quarters.
The first radio system for the Campbell County Rescue Squad, Inc. was a Citizen’s Band Radio (CB) that used the member’s wife to relay messages since a large area of the county was covered and communication signals were not good. Subsequently, the crew purchased Motorola Radios from the Indiana State Police for a private band used with the Campbell County Emergency System. Later, an upgrade of radios was done to General Electric Mobile and a repeater was set up on No Business Mountain, off Perrowville Road in Bedford County, Virginia. This gave the crew the its own radio system, until the new 911 System came into Campbell County, Virginia and the crew was then added to the county-wide system with the Campbell County Dispatch Center.
CCRS in 1966
Original CCRS Members